Event Request
To enter an Event Request, please fill out the following form.
Your Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Phone number extension
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Tripleseat's privacy policy.
Your Event Details
What’s the occasion?
(e.g., Birthday Party or Business Dinner)
(Please Select One)
Select a location
CRAFT Beer Market - 10th Ave/Downtown (Calgary)
CRAFT Beer Market - Adelaide Street (Toronto)
CRAFT Beer Market - English Bay (Vancouver)
CRAFT Beer Market - False Creek (Vancouver)
CRAFT Beer Market - Lansdowne Park (Ottawa)
CRAFT Beer Market - Paramount (Kelowna)
CRAFT Beer Market - Rice Howard (Edmonton)
CRAFT Beer Market - Southcentre (Calgary)
CRAFT Beer Market Victoria Harbour
Event Date
Start Time
End Time
Number of People (Minimum of 20)
Is there any additional information you would like to add?
How did you hear about us?
Select an option
CRAFT Employee
Central Employee
Internet Search
Google Ad
Stampede Outreach
Please specify